domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Thaks for not judge me. Thanks for listen without opinion. Thanks for being there if I need you.Thank you for being my hopes on the other side of the barrier that now separates us, even if I do things that you don't understand.   I´m happy. Not because I'm not with you right now, but because now I  know that you really love me.

Soldiers of Jah Army- SOJA 'Rest of my life'

If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple
Leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
I live in my mind that I know there's no equal
When I'm falling out, yo they pull me back in
It was long ago
And we were younger so
And our lives we part wrote
Feel it, feeling
And I remember everyday
Sometimes it's too much to take
I break down, without heartache
And I mean it, and I mean it
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple
Leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
I'm within my mind that I know there's no equal
When I'm falling out, yo they pull me back in
They say we've had fun but let this go
Music don't go deep but no
We think we could help this world if only we try
But we grow up
At least that's what they say
We can't do this when we pray
But I tell myself every day that none of that applies
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple
Leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
I'm within my mind that I know there's no equal
When I'm falling out, yo they pull me back in
All I really need
It's all I have ever seen
Only thing works for me
Is to feel it, feeling
And when we turn to leave
And others turn to be its always on my sleeve
And I mean it, And I mean it
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple
Leave it up to us to fill up on our friends
If I could spend the rest of my life with my people
I would do it over and over again
I'm within my mind that I know there's no equal
When I'm falling out, yo they pull me back in

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

sai da minha cabeça, please :c

Fui eu que fui parva. Mas tambem deixa ser, amo-te.

Desculpas, desculpas "bla bla bla" mas tudo o que querias era que acabasse nao era?? Parabens, conseguiste, acabou. Atira-te de cabeça vá. Não sei quantas e que ja andas a comer..mas tass, nao me interessa. Come, come todas tá fofinho? Era eu que estava a cagar para aquio, mas tambem fui eu a unica a lutar por isto.Deixa.. ta tudo bem.. Nao deixo cair nem mais uma lagrima.                                                                                                                    
 Fica-te, ja tens o que queres, estas os intervalos na boa. agora ja nao existo uhuh *.*. uiii estas tao triste, nem sei como aguentas tanta tristeza, tanto sofrimento :x Okok, fica a saber que nunca mesmo te vou esquecer, nem vou esquecer que te amei tanto. Agora não passa, mas pronto eu vivo com isso... Afinal amar alguem nao e crime:
-dá felicidade quando essa pessoa tambem ama
-tristeza quando a outra pessoa não te ama
-sofrimento quando ela te despreza
Não ouves o que tenho para te dizer, então escrevo. Mesmo que não leias estou tranquila- desabafei a merda toda que vai na minha cabeça.. Mas devias ler, assim ao menos vias que nao es o unico com a razao, nao tens compreensao, dantes eras paixão agora es so inspiraçao. Tenho amigos, estao aqui para mim.. assim como as tuas amiguinhas devem estar ai para ti agora- se e que precisas.
Não te dava atençao?- desatenta eu!
Era parva para ti?- que parva, han??
Nao esperava por ti?- apressada meu!
Nao aivinhava o que tu querias?- que burra!
->Covarde- nao isso nao muito orgulho mesmo. Acabaste pelo face, mudaste o estado civil e depois ainda te achas um gajo? ahah <3 no dia a seguir nem olhar para mim.. também nao sou nada bonito de se ver mas ganda male...
Estragaste tudo, porque eras a unica razao porque eu ainda gostava de ir a escola..Ivan, Ivan, fizeste-me amar tanto a minha vida- agora puff.. nao passa de uma rotina again. THANKS a serio obrigada por passares pela minha vida e me ensinares mais uma coisinha <3 24/03/2011